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Why I (You) need IAM?

Here’s a scenario: “ABC Tech. reported a breach in its systems, thereby losing some sensitive corporate data. After probing, it came out that this was the work of an employee holding a grudge against the organization. While the employee did his deed on his last working day, pious IT architect of the company was the one to be blamed.”

As an enterprise, are you braced against such threats? Do you know that you can create a security shield in your organization through Identity and Access Management (IAM)? Yes, IAM solution ensures the right access privileges to the right person at the right time with the right device!

The next concern is “Would this add another level of complexity to the already complex implementation?”

No, in fact IAM reduces the complexity within the system with provisions such as Single Sign on (SSO), federated access and more. Refer to the diagram below and this should be least of your worries. It is what a traditional organization model vs. post IAM implementation Model:

Naturally, your last concern is:”How much is this going to cost?”

The sooner you realize that IAM expense is an investment the better for you. The cost of implementing IAM has gone down significantly compared to the traditional approach and safe to say it is 1/3 of what a traditional security implementation would cost you. The important matter at hand is the additional set of capabilities IAM brings to the table:

Answering these questions is the difficult part, IAM can be implemented beautifully in any industry,thereby making processes simpler than before and you would end up thinking “Why didn’t I think of IAM earlier!”

Convinced already? Wait. There’s more.

 Key Features:

  • Protecting Key Information: In any organization, your data is most important, and all the hassle that we go through to protect our data or sensitive information is well worth it. IAM has not only proven to protect it but goes one level further and puts in place protocols that check unwanted activity at every level
  • Be Compliant and Compatible: While it plays such a crucial role in any organizational security, the design of IAM is planned to be compliant as well as compatible with existing policies and infrastructure
  • Improve Efficiencies: “Reduce Redundancy” is one of the motto’s of IAM. It diminishes the need for operational work to a great extent thereby allowing IT Admin to focus on what is really important.
  • Flexibility towards Business processes: Unlike traditional security approaches which focused on stringent policies, IAM allows the flexibility to incorporate business needs while maintaining the same amount of security
  • Centralized user management: IAM centralizes the entire organization (shown in the above diagram) and thereby making user/employee management a child’s play for the IT dept. With recent technologies the admin has the power to manage a whole organization from a Web Browser
  • Omnipresent: This is undeniably the most important component of IAM which allows managing user privileges across devices and in any part of the globe without the need of an on premise infrastructure.

Disruptive technologies are paving the path to a new way of how enterprises will function at the same time making them cost effective and flexible to implement. IAM has and continues to be one of the pioneering technologies that will shape the future of enterprise globalization. In the end, it is your choice to build walls before the theft or after the damage has been done. Contact Avancer today.

Team Avancer

Avancer Corporation is a systems integrator focusing on State of Art Identity and Access Management technology. With over a decade of experience of integrating IAM solutions for world’s leading corporations we bring you some insights through our articles on Avancer Corporation’s Official Blog

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