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How AI drives the efficiency of IAM solutions?

Despite being a necessity for identity security, IAM solutions also come with a number of challenges that include application distribution, fragmented workforce, issues with passwords, and many others. Further, increasing numbers of identities, data, and cybercrime have been overwhelming the traditional IAM systems, which have manual processes and rely on static data. Such systems have been creating operational blind spots, security loopholes, and inconsistent user experiences. In recent times, the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) has been of help and made IAM solutions far more effective.

We are deep diving into how AI can help significantly improve the efficiency of IAM solutions.

Agile Zero-trust authentication and authorization process

Zero-trust approach provides an environment of continuous verification, and this has been gaining a lot of importance with businesses in recent times. In order to comply with security regulations, companies are required to only give access to authorized users and ensure that only such a user is being logged on during the entire session. While zero-trust ensures only authorized user is able to access the system, AI is able to continuously watch the behavior of the user and enables verifications at all time – making it a constant process.

Adaptive access for secure user login

An adaptive access strategy should be considered that is able to use AI for building in-depth contextual insights. AI could be used for determining the level of risk or trust that each user brings along with them. It also allows to build scores for each individual on the basis of their activities – adding higher security to the systems. With the combination of AI capabilities with access policy engine, it allows companies to provide a secure environment to the user as well as for the organization. In such a scenario, users who are identified as low-risk could be streamlined or given password-less experience. On the other hand, high-risk users could be assessed through multifactor authentication (MFA) and in some cases access can be withdrawn or denied.

Advanced analytics for informed decision making

Analytics with the help of AI could help in providing more accurate and contextual insights, which could enable both the technical and non-technical employees to function in an efficient manner. Latest technologies provide new ways to learn new insights and automate processes, which can significantly speed up the existing IAM compliance controls. Without any need for security experts, they can detect fraudulent and potential threats. This provides employees with the information they need to make correct decisions. Such progress is of utmost importance, mainly in the area of malicious detection and for addressing insider threats. This enables organizations to be in control, secure and compliant.

Faster data breach detection and prevention:

Usage of AI to undertake continuous monitoring has been able to reveal user behavior and help the organization to understand about malicious intent and even identify activities that might lead to data breach. Machines can handle huge and varied amount of data scanning in faster manner when compared to the dedicated IT department. The workflows, built into the machines, can also alert organizations with regards to abnormal behaviors in advance for reducing fraud network. The policies related to security are able to incorporate AI insights about users by observing their behavior with various entities in a network. With this, the system is able to detect the abnormal and normal behavior.

Better employee experience:

AI-driven identity security ensures in maximizing employee productivity by making access requests efficient for the IT team. A simplified role management process could also be achieved with AI-generated insights that help in monitoring and providing user accesses accordingly. Capability of AI includes monitoring any subtle details of the user’s activity that might be risky for any organization. Thus, prior to granting any access, AI is able to understand any potential threat from a user. Further, with the help of SailPoint’s access modeling feature, role creation and maintenance could also be automated.

Ensure compliance and secure IT ecosystem :

Most times, enterprise believe that complying with the privacy and security regulations are an efficient way to keep hackers at bay. However, it has been found that these laws may not be adequate to ensure security needs for an organization. Basic compliances refer to information being accessed by users who need it, while ignoring other users. The adaptability of AI-powered IAM has been found useful in such situations. As ML and AI have been able to monitor traffic on a consistent basis – they are able to calculate user behaviors and give granular access controls. This helps enterprises in facing less challenges while enforcing protocols on security. It also becomes harder or difficult for the hackers to steal the data.

AI technology is considered to be an asset for IAM solutions as it helps mitigate various challenges, while minimizing risk. Such technology is able to help organizations to move towards user-friendly approach in managing IAM solutions. With the combination of analytics, AI solutions are able to provide contextual and focused insights. This helps system administrators in managing IAM aspects in an efficient manner. It helps in gaining newer insights in the behavior of the users, automating procedures, along with allowing the existing IAM compliance controls to be accelerated. AI technologies can help in detecting any potential threats as well as abnormalities.

How Avancer can help?

Accesses that are unauthorized and over-privileges are some of the most common source of security breaches worldwide. However, suitable IAM policies can be duly managed by AI-powered systems for any access. Avancer, a pure-play IAM solutions provider, can help in preventing persistent and costly threats. We are able to incorporate intelligent and powerful defenses towards identity perimeter. With that, our solutions help provide wiser and faster access decisions for improving experience of authorized users.

While AI technology may not automate the entire IAM process, it enables to improve the efficiencies of IAM solutions in various manners. To know more, connect with our experts.

Team Avancer

Avancer Corporation is a systems integrator focusing on State of Art Identity and Access Management technology. With over a decade of experience of integrating IAM solutions for world’s leading corporations we bring you some insights through our articles on Avancer Corporation’s Official Blog

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