Avancer Corporation

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Let’s understand what creates a ground work for intelligent Identity and Access Management

When it comes to creating intelligent system networks, it needs to be in coordination with various aspects of business. Starting with basic automation and computing to allowing modes for keeping Data in Motion, bringing checkpoints to ensure safety, falling in line with trends such as Internet of Things (IoT). A continuous unobstructed interaction amongst users – internal and external, […]

Chef’s Special: The IAM Recipe

Ever wondered what exactly keeps you craving for that dish you had last week or makes a dish standout from the rest? The Recipe!! I am sure if a recipe for supper interests you so much, the recipe to setting up the best security management solution for your organization must be giving you sleepless nights. […]

The Mobility Revolution: Mobile Access Management

Mobility is playing an ever-increasing role in the life of contemporary business, providing everyone with a new level of communications freedom. The commercial benefits associated with greater mobility have been recognized as a great stimulus for businesses looking to transform to new business strategies that capitalize these core strengths. Mobile devices and services enable companies […]