Avancer Corporation

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Long live thy password!

Passwords dates way back to 1960, the time of commencement of computing technology. It was quite secure and it still is a stylish factor in ensuring access security. We stand today in 2015 where the scope of computing has exploded and passwords have become easier to crack for hackers, who resort to innovative tricks to […]

Let’s understand what creates a ground work for intelligent Identity and Access Management

When it comes to creating intelligent system networks, it needs to be in coordination with various aspects of business. Starting with basic automation and computing to allowing modes for keeping Data in Motion, bringing checkpoints to ensure safety, falling in line with trends such as Internet of Things (IoT). A continuous unobstructed interaction amongst users – internal and external, […]

Take a pick – Cloud or Premise for Root Password?

Cloud technology has come a long way. As businesses express their concerns over security considerations in a cloud environment, cloud operators come up with a befitting solution. Examples of this proactive approach include Single tenancy on the (private) cloud, Bring Your Own Encryption (BYOE), Ensuring Data in Motion, … These are in keeping with the […]

Rundown on IAM Architecture Best Practice

Many organizations look at limited functionality when implementing IAM solutions and they do not understand the implications of such a lackadaisical approach on their infrastructure and architecture. The benefits of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) are acclaimed to bring down integration costs, enable greater asset reuse, and arm IT to respond more quickly to changing business and regulatory requirements.A […]

What Makes IAM an IT Security Best Practice

IT security best practice keeps evolving, regardless of whether businesses claim that they are well aware of them. Furthermore, this knowledge is of little benefit if pre-empted actions to prevent mishaps are not taken. With IT infrastructures within companies becoming increasingly complex, it is becoming all the more important for organizations to become proactive about IT/Cyber […]

Collaborative Workplace – Made Possible Via IAM

Did you receive a request for approval lately? Is that request lying on your inbox unattended? Is there any further clarification (or worse – a series of clarifications) required to process that request – perhaps a policy consideration which might require intervention of a super senior resource? What if you are required to take out […]

Myths Around Healthcare Regulatory Penalty

Healthcare, being a social sector is designed for public access and traditionally has not considered enforcing safeguards. An effective way to approach HIPAA compliance in a healthcare establishment is by ensuring that any myth related to the regulation is defied. It becomes crucial to gain deep knowledge about the regulations. As digitization of sensitive information […]

When Businesses Implement IAM Tech

Businesses that are able to implement Identity and Access Management (IAM) technology in the right way are promised big rewards. However, CIOs and decision makers need to gain perspective on IAM implementation and make sure that their approach is progressive to get the best out of their IAM investment. Here are the things IT decision […]

How CISOs battle Cyber Threat

A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is someone who has climbed up to a senior-level executive role within an organization. The key responsibility is to establish, protect and maintain enterprise vision, strategy, and program to ensure information assets are protected through the right set of technological interventions. With time, the role has become challenging as […]

IAM Safeguards for Academic Institutions

By their very nature, IT network of educational/ academic institutions are used by a large number of transient users. One of the examples of a transient user is an aspiring student who fills up an application and use parent’s credit card to make the payment. Such details are stored in the institution’s system. Academic institutions […]

Should you Password Vault?

When we preach that your Passwords better be complex, what to take-away when it comes to vaulting them? Passwords, aren’t they complex, a hassle to manage and on top of it they are too difficult to remember? The world is online and the number of online properties per user is going up exponentially. Data is […]

APIs in Healthcare: To Use or Not To Use

Patient-facing applications as provided by healthcare APIs have given a plethora of options for engaging with customers via mobile, web, as well as social media platforms. APIs are defined as protocols or programming routines that allows the software applications for sharing data or information. Organizations – specifically healthcare providers – have been using this tool for […]

Why be worried about medical identity theft?

As per data released by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), during 2015 (as of December 1, 2015), out of the total data breaches reported, around 35 per cent were from the medical/healthcare industry. Although, the total breaches stood at 717, and medical/healthcare industry saw breaches of 248 during the year, what is worrying is that […]

Understanding IAM needs for Telecom Business

Telecom companies essentially work with a large user base that spans across national boundaries. The users believe that the telecom system can be relied upon for various transactions that could be financial or sensitive in nature. Within the telecom industry the digital identities created and access governance algorithm is very complex.Let’s look at a scenario.A […]

Managing GRC for Financial Services through IAM Tech

The financial services market, including the banking sector, is monitored at Federal and State levels, and is subjected to various regulations. There are four main regulatory bodies at Federal level, namely – the Federal Reserve Board, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of Thrift Supervision, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. In addition, […]

Evolving a Right IAM Strategy for Mobile Banking

Financial sector has evolved into a digitally capable, technologically savvy industry. It has also embraced various breakthroughs in IT Security while maintaining robust workflow based operations. Harnessing mobile technology to better consumer engagement in a secure manner is a revolution we are witnessing in the present times. Banking and financial institutions are reaping the benefits of […]

Is your Healthcare IAM Solution working for you?

Typically, IAM solutions bring IT Security intelligence and work-flow operational efficiency. A poorly implemented and integrated IAM system is clearly not optimized for security, identity and access related capabilities. A theft can go unnoticed or detected late, this stands true even for organizations that have well integrated security capabilities in their IT Systems. Organizations that […]