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Camouflaging through IDaaS

Camouflage; a technique is most effectively used in defense services to hide from the opponent soldiers in the battle ground.

With IDaaS, the concept of camouflage makes inroads to the world of technology.

The fancy statement relating Identity as a Service (IDaaS)  and camouflage was made to highlight that the data is very much there on an intangible platform, saved from the present world predators, mankind has named them hackers, cyber criminals, social engineers, and more.

The prevalent concern raised around cloud computing is security. Management of identities through cloud necessitates the need for IDaaS. It is, therefore, a united and integrated framework of internet enabled services, which allows authorization, authentication, provisioning, entitlement and policy adherence for a user to access enterprise applications.

Listed below are few benefits of IDaaS:

  • It enables the storage of company’s identification data on remote server hosted on cloud. This cloud based information can be accessed or processed by an employee, a user, a vendor or a stakeholder from anywhere in the world
  • It ensures that access is carefully granted through authorizing and authenticating the identity of a user visiting data enterprise apps/cloud apps
  • Identity verification and management is important to secure data and company’s information. The on- boarding and off-boarding activities are being tracked on as-it happens basis, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access
  • Use of passwords and codes ensure authentication and authorization.  The company can put in place a proper password management and notification system to establish a secured access system.
  • It supports an comprehensive reporting and auditing system. This restricts the access to company’s data to outsiders and amplifies transparency through smooth flow of information within the organizations.
  • It banishes the development of large physical server and collection and compilation of identity data manually. Through IDaaS, companies can realize the benefits of IdM at a lower cost and time.
  • IDaaS implementation saves a lot of time, effort and cost of company and its resources which can be otherwise utilized and allocated in many other important areas of concern.

In the business world, the concept of the cloud is picking up at a rapid pace. This is influencing business models and policies .With cloud computing gaining popularity and acceptance, Identity Management on cloud promises to keep a close watch look over users and their access to data & applications and guard access privileges. Companies have started putting a lot of focus on forming companies’ identity structure in line with IDaaS. It acts as camouflage to the intangible data on cloud to save it from predators.

Given the fact that cloud identity management is a metering service, it is most suitable for small/mid enterprises with user range between 1000 and 10,000. Large organizations may adopt a mixture of legacy and web-architected cloud and on-premises applications depending on access requirements of their users. If IDaaS is the service for you, or you want to know how to get in contact with us, subscribe here and lets secure your information together. 

Team Avancer

Avancer Corporation is a systems integrator focusing on State of Art Identity and Access Management technology. With over a decade of experience of integrating IAM solutions for world’s leading corporations we bring you some insights through our articles on Avancer Corporation’s Official Blog

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