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Federated Access Management – Its Growing Need and Importance

Access management  is the systematic management of the access of resources by employees, partners, contractors and customers of an enterprise, whether manually, through coded applications, or automated. Automated access management requires identities, hence identity management is recommended for sound security. Several headings under access management include authentication, single sign-on, federated sign-on and privileged access management. Federated Access Management enables […]

Mobile Access Management: Bring Your Own Device

For the highly connected world we live in, if you are asked whether employees in your organization carry their personal device to work, often, the answer is no. The trending concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is instrumental in boosting employee efficiency while keeping the corporate equipment purchases overhead on the lower side. As […]

Seven Password Best Practices

The always in fashion technical crime (hacking) runs on the idea of guessing or stealing a password. Passwords are a tiny piece of the puzzle that protects user identity. They are the keys that unlock access to various applications over the internet. These applications could be sensitive in nature depending on the quality of conversation […]

Camouflaging through IDaaS

Camouflage; a technique is most effectively used in defense services to hide from the opponent soldiers in the battle ground. With IDaaS, the concept of camouflage makes inroads to the world of technology. The fancy statement relating Identity as a Service (IDaaS)  and camouflage was made to highlight that the data is very much there […]

To Businesses with Love – Obama’s Cyber-Security Proposal

The parade of regulations related to cyber security means more compliance, discipline and agility to be showcased by businesses. Identity and Access Management technology has been instrumental in helping businesses achieve an upper hand on the regulatory requirements. Ever since the internet made a foray the government has been on the front foot to monitor activities over […]

Chef’s Special: The IAM Recipe

Ever wondered what exactly keeps you craving for that dish you had last week or makes a dish standout from the rest? The Recipe!! I am sure if a recipe for supper interests you so much, the recipe to setting up the best security management solution for your organization must be giving you sleepless nights. […]

Identity-as-a-service for Financial Organizations

For businesses such as banking, insurance, investment management and others belonging to the financial sector, managing security requirements becomes more and more challenging. Today, organizations are increasingly turning to cloud-based solutions to address their needs to reduce complexity, to ease scalability and to rapidly introduce new services to market. Among the various areas where cloud technology […]

IdM VM Image: How does it help?

Let’s start with what is IdM VM Image? In order to have a smooth functioning of IDM technology, the backend, front end, and middleware need to interact with each other. Therefore when an organization’s ecosystem is to bring Identity and Access Management technology, VM Image helps in simplifying the task. IAM solutions requires components with various versions to […]

The Mobility Revolution: Mobile Access Management

Mobility is playing an ever-increasing role in the life of contemporary business, providing everyone with a new level of communications freedom. The commercial benefits associated with greater mobility have been recognized as a great stimulus for businesses looking to transform to new business strategies that capitalize these core strengths. Mobile devices and services enable companies […]

Improving Organizational Security with Identity and Access Management

Maintaining an organizations security is vital to its existence and development. In today’s age of globalization, businesses become increasingly collaborative and resources are availed of by a rising number of users. Therefore, organizations face complex challenges of maintaining their security as managing identities, authorizing and authenticating users to access sensitive enterprise resources becomes difficult and […]

Top IdM Challenges Companies Face

The benefits of technology are immense and this statement is not new to us. The scope of technological advancement leave us with a sense of awe and surprise – the process of inducting technology into a traditional system is not easy. It becomes even more complex when technological induction surpasses individual capacity and takes to […]

To Cloud or Not To Cloud: The Competitive Storm Brewing Over CRM

Recently there has been a barrage of cloud customer relationship management(CRM) services introduced by technology giants and relative unknowns alike. With the surge of “cloud”-hawking industrialists vying for CRM dominance, a battle of dimensions, of sort, has commenced, and the question posed now in cross-department meetings, “Should we cloud compute or rollout an onsite CRM solution?” At […]

The Compliance Cobweb

Does anyone truly have Privacy? With Google tracking your interests, Facebook scanning each Photograph, Foursquare locating you every now and then, and apps like FindMyIphone, this becomes a very trivial question. In recent times, it has become crucial for users to draw a line between their online and offline lives. The picture is a matrix of regulations, […]

Brand Avancer

Avancer : progress, to move forward, to advance. This is a quality that hold very dear to multiple large enterprises and companies around the world. When companies find themselves needing a spark, a change in the status quo, pivoting is necessary. To pivot, means to shift, and this shift is the cornerstone of rebranding efforts. […]

Let’s Talk ROI on IAM Investment

The cost of implementing an IAM solution is often frowned at, while organizations continue with struggle of managing identities, authorizing and authenticating users. We at Avancer strongly believe that this year is going to be a game changer, we are likely to witness a mind-set change where decision makers will view expenses in IAM as […]